

Dense, chewy, authentic German whole rye. 100% Maine-grown rye (wheat-free). Truly improves with age, though we recommend keeping refrigerated in plastic, it will keep well for weeks. Try thinly sliced with cheeses or open-faced sandwiches.

Ingredients: water, local organic rye meal, organic whole rye flakes, organic sunflower seeds, sea salt, rye starter, yeast

Please Note:

We only make our Vollkornbrot on Wednesday, so you must select a Wednesday during the checkout in order to have this included on your order. 



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Dense, chewy, authentic German whole rye. 100% Maine-grown rye (wheat-free). Truly improves with age, though we recommend keeping refrigerated in plastic, it will keep well for weeks. Try thinly sliced with cheeses or open-faced sandwiches.

Ingredients: water, local organic rye meal, organic whole rye flakes, organic sunflower seeds, sea salt, rye starter, yeast

Please Note:

We only make our Vollkornbrot on Wednesday, so you must select a Wednesday during the checkout in order to have this included on your order.